Thursday, September 20, 2012

I had two instant reactions when I first saw this picture, shocking but yet also incredible. The shocking part may seem obvious to most people, which is the fact that a picture like this was once seen as the way of life and the way women were viewed. On one side, I see this picture as absolutely ridiculous because of how it is portraying a woman being surprised and questioning that she can open what seems to be a ketchup bottle. On the other side, I find it incredible and amazing looking at this picture and seeing how far women have come along in the world. It gives me hope that even though we still have things we need to improve with sexism between men and women throughout the world, we have obviously came along way from the way it use to be. 


  1. Wow, this picture is striking! I can see how the woman is being portrayed as "weak", and I feel luckily, this stereotype although sometimes portrayed for mere entertainment has weakened itself! On the other hand, this picture is almost as women mocking themselves. Her face is illustrated as shocked and I find this almost offensive. I think it helps us realize that sometimes we are the sexist ones ourselves, whether we take it as literally us as a person or us as a group, women. Thank you so much for sharing this! But I do agree no matter what is said and done we did come a long way, and lets hope we continue progressing!

  2. Thanks jess! I do also agree with what you said about how women are almost mocking themselves in this picture, that is a great point that I didn't even notice until your comment.
